haii,, haii aLL...!!
weLcome to my engLish priimboN..!!
I hope this can be useful for us,,
so . . . enjoy it and check it out..!!^_^

Minggu, 12 Desember 2010


Hi everybody..??
You have an appoinment for today..??
If yes,, don't be late to keep their promises..hehe
so, check it out..!!

Definision of Appoinment

Is a kind or expression which is used to conduct promise.

Making an Appointment
>I’d like to make an appointment with. . .
>I want to make an appointment to see. . .
>I’d like to make an appointment to see. . .
>I’d like you to come and see me!
>I’ll be there
>What about. . .?

Accepting an appointment
>All right! See you there!
>No problem, I’m free on. . .
>Be there on time!
>I’ll wait for you there
>It’s a deal!

Rejecting an appointment
>I’m sorry, I’m very busy
>I’m terribly, sorry I have to put off my appointment
>I’m afraid, I have to postpone my appointment with. . . tomorrow morning

Changing an appointment
>What about. . .
>Is Ok, if we meet at 10:00am tomorrow morning
>Do you have another time this afternoon?
>Could we change the day (time) of the meeting?
>Would you mind if we changed the day (time) of the meeting?

Used to indicate that an act / event that never happened before / in the past. Simple Past Tense also has two forms, namely:

Nominal terms:
- I/you/we/they + to be (was) + complement
- He/she/it + to be (were) + complement
(+) She were beautiful
(-) She were not beautiful
(?) Were she beautiful?

Verbal Terms (using verbs):
(+) subject + Verb2 + object
(-) subject + did not +Verb1 + object
(?) did+ subject +Verb1 + object?
(+) He walked to school yesterday
(-) He did not walk to school yesterday
(?) Did he walk to school yesterday?

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