haii,, haii aLL...!!
weLcome to my engLish priimboN..!!
I hope this can be useful for us,,
so . . . enjoy it and check it out..!!^_^

Minggu, 12 Desember 2010


how are you today..?? Fine..hehe
O.K, this morning my parents get in invitation at the door..
So,, I am so interested to discuss Invitation..!!
check it out..

Recount Text..!!

You know,,??
Last week.. I was go with my family to cinema.
We go there at 7 p.m.
Eits,, wait a minute.. why are so telling my experience..??
Btw,, fits with our discussions this time, because we will discuss about Recount Text..!!

Narrative Text..!!

emh,, after seing the picture above, surely you already know what we will discuss now,,
thats right..!! so,, check it out,,!!


Hi everybody..??
You have an appoinment for today..??
If yes,, don't be late to keep their promises..hehe
so, check it out..!!

Sympathy Expressions..!!

Hoooaaamm...!!! this afternoon very hot,, accompanied by a fan and favorite songs will surely sleep soundly..But, if sleep sustainable..?? ii,, horrible, but certainly will experiencethe death and that death is inevitable. Ouch, so remember my grandma.. Grandma,, would've slept peacefully there with the angels of God are very good. Miss you grandma,,,!! I will always remember grandma's messages...!!

O.K. we discuss further our material is Symphaty Expressions.. Everyone must have experience a sense of symphaty to other. Actually,, what expressions symphaty it..?? Anyone know..??

Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010


Hi guys..?? How're you today..?? I hope you aLL fine,, The word I just said is a greeting,, OK,, I will explain you about "Greeting". You must have heard n know even understand the meaning of the greeting is not..?? who do not know, let's find out together here and for that already know, let us match your answer with the material below.. So,, check it out..!!

Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

Gaining Attention

Gaining attention is a way or expression that is spoken so that other people will pay their attention to that we want to.